The HOC has recognized several hundred participants and has distributed tens of thousands of dollars in awards and recognition ceremonies.

The House of China (HOC) places a high value on handing down knowledge of Chinese language to the younger generation. Since 1993, the HOC has encouraged youth, parents and Chinese Schools in this endeavor by sponsoring an essay competition. The contest, known as the Virginia Hom Fung Memorial Essay Contest is held in honor of one of our most dedicated and passionate members. A committee selects an essay topic at the beginning of the calendar year. The topic, contest rules and deadlines are then communicated to students and schools with winners selected and recognized at our annual meeting and essay award ceremony during June’s Dragon Boat season.

Eligible participants are youth 18 years of age or younger at a recognized Chinese School. The original handwritten essay must be in Chinese. An English version may accompany the submittal for clarification.

The HOC has recognized several hundred participants and has distributed tens of thousands of dollars in awards and recognition ceremonies. Specific prizes are named in honor of generous supporters: Hwei-Chuh Hsiu, Ed and Ellen Wong, and Pak Wong.

Hwei-Chih and Julia Hsiu Endowment Fund of the S.D. Community Foundation, Ed and Ellen Wong, David Du, Ted Hom, Simon Wong Engineering, Jack Meng, East West Travel, Julia Cheng, Cathay Bank Special Friend
Memory of Ying Hing Tsui

Essay Committee
Dr. Nancy Lo, David Seid, Grace Huang, Rosa Chi, Yuman Young, Lily Zhou, Julia Chiang, Jack Meng, YeQing Chen, May Hung Hung, Eugenia Fung, Maggie He, Dr. Sheng Ying Tang